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229 memories, showing 100 to 110

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Memory No. 155
Robert Harris
(@WT 1941>1947)
Apart from a brief break when we were sent to relatives in Manchester during the V2 rocket assault my brother John and I were at the infant and junior schools for six years. My memory of Mr. Train is not as pleasant as Constance Young's because he caned me on the hand for disobeying his order not to play on some building materials in the playground. Otherwise I enjoyed my time at William Torbitt, I passed the scholarship and went to Ilford County High School which I didn't enjoy anything like as much!

Memory No. 148
Julie Kay
(@WT staff)
I thought you all might like to know that some of your fascinating memories have been turned into sketches by members of the William Torbitt 'Explorers' after school club.They are to be part of a small drama production about the past 70 years history of Torbitt school.Thank you for helping the children of 2007 know about the past history of their school.

Memory No. 147
constance Young
(@WT 1938 & 1939)
I remember Miss Honey Reading us a story . We were all sitting quietly lstening. Miss honey suddenly stopped and said" what is thet clicking noise"? One of the girls was knitting. Sher held the jumper up to show Miss Honey how far she had got with it. I remeber the knitting was pink and it was a very intricat pattern. I dont think knitting is taught anymore in schools. but Heather Knott was a very good knitter. Miss Honey did not tell her off but was amazed at her work.What happene3d to Heather?

Memory No. 146
(@WT 2003)
loooll fatt ass you are a jokaaa!!!! ahaha yehh william torbitt was crap with their mathsmania game and ONE computer per classroom

Memory No. 144
fattt asss
(@WT 1872)
ur skl sucks

Memory No. 143
maya cole
(@WT 1996-2003)
i rember when i forst cam here in reception i love this school till death its the best primary schooli know and i'll always rember my teachers and my friends and the people in my years

Memory No. 141
Nicole Wright
(@WT 1998- 2004)
i remember when i first came to william torbitt i started in year 2 and my first teacher was Mr Bell he was a great pianist and teacher. i used to always laugh alot in his class more than learn though. as the years went by i remember having Mrs Westcott, Ms Wibbley, Ms Moseley and many other kool teachers william torbitt was a kool skool 2 go to and has improved alot over the years i wish i could go bak an re live my primary school days when i was so care free nowadays its all revision, exams, revision etc

Memory No. 140
Constance Young
(@WT 1938>39)
I remember we were told at school not to slide down the banisters for obvious reasons. Colin Bedwell (see the 1938 school photo of Miss Honey's class) decided he would still slide down. I remember all our class looking out the school window to see the ambulance taking him away to hospital He came to school a few days after and we all signed his plaster cast on his arm.

Mr Train was a wonderful gentleman but behind his back we all called him Mr Puff Puff I remember one boy being called up forgot himself and called him Mr Puff Puff. The whole class just laughed and laughed (and so did Mr Train).

When the war broke out all those children that were not being evacuated with the school were asked what they were going to do . I put up my hand and said I was going away with my family to Hockley. Frank Mooney, also in my class, said the same . His parents had a holiday bungalow in Hockley. From then on we became firm friends. We are still lifelong friends and as he still lives in the U.K. we correspond by E Mail. We are both 80 next year.

I remember so clearly our class was sent down to one of the infants classes where we were all fitted for gas masks. Just talking about it brings back the smell of the gas masks (funny how different smells bring back memories).

It was a thrilling day when one girl was chosen and one boy to go with Miss Honey to meet Queen Mary. I was the girl chosen and a boy named Charles. We went on the bus to the King George hospital where the Queen was to open a new wing. However the Queen was involved in a car accident and was unable to attend. The duchess of Athlone came in her place. I practised for a week doing a curtsey and making a speech. My Mother made me a new blue dress It was a Deanna Durbin style (she was the film star of the day). It was a beautiful memory to look back on. A brass band was playing and every time I hear a brass band I get a tear in my eye.

Thursday lunch hour was spent in the hall at school as several of us were learning the violin. The music teacher was named Miss King.


Memory No. 139
Arosha Dissanayake
(@WT 1994-2004)
coming to william Torbitt was really cool. I am so glad I went their. There are so many things i would like to share. In william torbitt I was involved in the recorder festival, part of the choir and even had a chance in being in the newspaper. I loved all the activites that were going on in william torbitt. I can't wait for the reunion. Their were so many good teachers at wiliam Torbitt. I recently met the william torbitt head teacher Mrs Hill. I remeber meeting the family of william torbit when i was in year four.Also the time that we celebrated the Queen's golden jubily. I have had so many interesting memmories. AS i wrote before there is still a picture of me in william torbitt. it is a picture of the whole school. i was only a little girl. the picture is on the shelf outside the downstairs hall. try and see who i am. ( i am the only one in the picture thet is posing lol).And finally, the pupils that are there in william torbitt. good luck and enjoy!:)

Memory No. 136
Jean Young
(@WT > 1960)
I remember the school making a mile out of pennies, for charity. My friend Gay Shimmel and I were chosen to pick up the pennies and count them. I cannot remember how much the school raised! I was in the school netball team and remember hiding my broken arm in the team photo ( I still have the picture ) I also remember the fun we had playing kiss chase!

Memory No. 135
(@WT 1998>05)
hi 2 all da teachers dat i no..i relli miss william torbitt i had reli gd memories there i remeber my yr 6 teacher mr.broyd..i had mrs.elston in yr5-.. then mr.bryant-..mrs & the nursery teachers...i rememba the pond & all the otha gd teahcers..trips..the last day of yr6 was reli sad..i jus wanna sey dat william torbitt primary school is the bestest skl in the world!!

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