Ilford Schools Camping trip to the Isle of Wight summer 1959. Martin Eady is the small boy 2nd from right in the back row. He is not sure if anyone else from William Torbitt went and thinks it was organised by a Mr Eagland, but isn't sure about that.
[Even I, who remember very little, recognise other Torbitt boys in this picture - John Cairncross, Alan Nicholls and maybe Roger Stone? - Pauline]
Follow up from Alan (Doug) Nicholls:
Have just looked at the photo of the school trip. It was July 1959 soon after the end of term. We travelled by coach. Buddy Holly had recently died they were playing 'It doesn't matter any more' on the radio. We camped under canvas in a field possibly near Sandown. We had dug out latrines. It was on fairly high ground. I think we saw The liner Queen Elizabeth or Queen Mary from the site one day. It was a walk to the beach and there was a church nearby. We may have had to go to Sunday service. It was 'Ilford Schools Camp' so there were I think several other groups there. I can't remember if we were all in the same tent but I think I was 'Tent Leader' or some such title. Certainly John, Roger and I were together. The tall boy on the end was Mr. Eagland's son. The lad in the middle front had bright ginger hair. I can't remember names after all this time.
Follow up from Ken Ashton who says that he is the middle boy in the back row of this picture and that John Court is 2nd right, front row. He remembers a pig stye in the middle of the camp site and that the loos were disgusting but says he'll spare us the details! THANKS KEN.
Amendment thanks to: