From Robin Stafford:
I just sighted the programme for the school play 'Finesse' (Scrapbook ref 063) and saw a whole bunch of names I recognised, including the Sergeant (Roger Suckling) who was a close mate of mine at that time. Well, I was the bloke who provided the bread that they all hoed into in the inn for dinner and I also helped Mr Bidgood with the sound effects.......................footsteps running, horses galloping and a pistol shot among other things !!! So at last I have seen some connection between myself and W.T. and can rest easy that I wasn't dreaming it. That is also the concert that the record company came by and recorded the recorder music on the programme.
Maybe NOW somebody will remember me and I might even appear on some photos !!!*smile*
Very best wishes and take care - Rob Stafford
with thanks to Noel Grimmett
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