Enlarged School Photo
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1969 - 2nd Year Juniors - Mr Youles
Enlarged School Photo

School Photo


.  Colin Mann 

.  David Lerer 

.  David Myers 

.  Tony/Anthony/Antony Healey 

.  Stephen Daniels 

.  Richard Quire 

.  Jimmy/James Smailes 

.  Andrew Bradford 

.  Robert Nyman 

.  Craig Myllet 

.  Graham Knight 

Ian McGregor suggests that the teacher is Mr Youles and David Goodliff/Graham Knight have confirmed the year

Mr Youles didn't join the teaching staff until 1st July 1968 - so it can't be a 1968 pic. (Similarly it can't be dated 1970 because David Youles was my teacher that year). Maybe its 1969? - from David Goodliff - confirmed by Graham Knight

In the back row with me (Graham Knight) are Craig Myllet, Robert Nyman and Andrew Bradford. The next row down includes Jimmy Smailes, Richard Quire Stephen Daniels, and Tony Healey. The next row down includes David Myers and David Lerer in the middle. Colin Mann is in the front row.
With thanks to Simon/Paul Owers:

Amendment thanks to:

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