Enlarged School Photo
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1962 - 1b - Miss Perry
Enlarged School Photo

School Photo


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Form1b Miss Perry - 1962 Left to right Back row Graham Cunningham, Brian Linton, Richard Wilderspin, Andrew Freestone, Anthony Cheeseman, Elizabeth Beer, Christina Elly Third row Miss Carr-student teacher, Michael Perring, Unknown, Steven Newlyn, David Gale, Lesley Fisher, Janet Anthony, Adrian Clark. Second row Peter Unknown, Gillian Fisher, Katherine Landsman, Dean Unknown, Stephen Hicks, Phillip Perry, Melvyn Grant ?, Trevor Oliver, Miss Perry (Teacher) Front row Susan Maskell, Jacqueline Yeldham, Marilyn Blatt, Barbara Blows, Jill Baker, Lesley Hall, Catherine Mayger, Dinah Williams, Julia White.
With thanks to Dinah Williams:

Amendment thanks to:

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