Middle Infants - 1967 - Mrs Barlow
1. Robert Seldon
2. David Key
3. Steven/Stephen Cook
4. David Goodliff
5. Ian McGregor
6. Robert Town
7. David Charters
8. Timothy Jones
9. Christopher Brown
10. Stephen/Steven Sampson
11. Malcolm Berry
12. Roy Charters
13. Andrew Woods
14. Denise Kane
15. Diana Furlong
16. ?
17. Carol Hebbard
18. Heather Wainwright
19. Helen Windows
20. ?
21. Mark Vandervelden OR
21. Mark Winterflood
22. David Lyons
23. ?
24. ?
25. ?
26. ?
27. Nicola Pearse
28. Karen Joyner
29. ?
30. ?
31. Lynne Feathers
32. ?
33. Jacqui/Jacqueline ?
34. Kevin Adams
35. Eric Johnson
36. Daniel/Danny Ford
37. Bruce Dessau
38. Mrs Barlow
Any names displayed are only as accurate as information sent in. No guarantee is given of the veracity of any facts shown