1965 - Mrs Bidgood
1. Diane Owen
2. Wendy Hutchings
3. Gail Lincoln
4. Christine Piper
5. Margaret Hammond
6. Susan Thorogood
7. Jenny Gibbs
8. Jillian/Gillian Stock
9. Wendy Walker
10. Sheridan Totts
11. David Kulecki
12. Peter Robbins
13. Jeffery Collins-Tooth
14. David Cronin
15. Roger Chapman
16. Peter Barret
17. Barbara Coomber
18. Judith Campbell
19. Valerie Hill
20. Clive Maxwell
21. Lyn Butler
22. Denise Southwell
23. Susan Owen
24. Elizabeth Pearson
25. Nicholas Felisiak
26. Andrew Lehrer
27. Simon ? OR
27. Stephen Simmons
28. Antony Guest
29. David Debere/de Bere
30. Stanley Rosenthal
31. Christopher Hoddy
32. John Frawley
33. Timothy Hall
34. Freddy Murphy
35. Philip Smith
36. Robert Copsey
37. ?
38. Daphne Fitch (became Mrs Bidgood in 1957)
Any names displayed are only as accurate as information sent in. No guarantee is given of the veracity of any facts shown