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247 entries, showing 61 to 70

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Post Bag
Entry Number: 1236
Date: 22-SEPTEMBER-2007
Author: Hilary Gold
Subject: 70th Anniversary

How wonderful to see all the photos of the 70th Anniversary.I wish I could have been there. Lovely to see photos of Mr Bidgood. Yes, I still play the violin in an amateur orchestra here in Liverpool where I now live.It's amazing how many professional musicians there are in the music world who started off in the Redbridge Youth Orchestra. All credit to you Mr Bidgood. Wishing WT all the best for the future.Lots of happy memories.

Entry Number: 1162
Date: 20-SEPTEMBER-2007
Author: Pauline (Kendall) Webmaster
Subject: Compliment to the school!

A former pupil (1940>45) who attended the 70th anniversary, is a governor at a school in Hackney so is up to date with modern primary school methods. He was impressed with what he saw and what the children did during the afternoon. He commented that it was very different to what he remembered of the school in his time.

I haven't mentioned his name as he has not specifically asked that his remarks be included but I thought the present-day staff at the school might appreciate his comments.

Entry Number: 1155
Date: 18-SEPTEMBER-2007
Author: Connie Neave (Nee Young)
Subject: 70th Anniversary & Subway

How wonderful to see all the pictures of the celebrations at the school. I do wish I could have been there too. I now have a picture of my old school, but it doesn't look old in fact it looks quite modern.. I am pretty sure the subway was completed in 1938. My uncle had a cafe opposite the school and he was annoyed when the subway was built because customers in their cars and trucks could not park there . Regards Connie Neave (Nee Young)

Entry Number: 1012
Date: 12-SEPTEMBER-2007
Author: Geoffrey Gillon

I would like the following to make contact with me by e-mail please……… Sandra Walker, Barry Welsford, David Morriss, John and Joyce Cairncross, Phil Morden, Pauline and Valerie Jennings-ex Leyswood Drive. Clive Harber, Awena Parry, Linda and Pauline Snell, Linda Bailey, Kay Oubridge, Nicholas Holmes, Stephen Kilford, Colin Eaton, Richard Holt, Ian Parks, Roger Stone, Josephine Pazera, Pat Dixon, Janice Archer, Janet Stokes, Angela Wakefield

Entry Number: 1007
Date: 11-SEPTEMBER-2007
Author: Julie Kay
Subject: William Torbitt 70th Anniversary

I am so glad that everyone had such a great day- we were so lucky with the weather were n't we,especially after this dreadful summer! The sun shines on the righteous and William Torbitt school!! We tried to provide some fun for everyone,from the rides for the children to the punishment book for the former pupils! It was wonderful to see so many former pupils and staff meeting up with old friends and revisiting classrooms that were their haunts all those years ago. Thankyou everyone for coming!

Entry Number: 1005
Date: 11-SEPTEMBER-2007
Author: Terry Sharpe
Subject: 70th Anniversary

Just like to say I hope everybody enjoyed the 70th anniversary day and how dissapointed I was that I wasnt able to make it.I tried to convince my wife that it would be a great way to celebrate our 29th wedding anniversary on Sept 9th but I couldnt,even suggesting we visit St Peters church as well,where we got married all those years ago.Suppose if you never attended W.T school you just dont understand what all the fuss is about.Once again hoping the day went well for everybody and will have to make do with looking at peoples photos of the day on the website Regards Terry

Entry Number: 995
Date: 10-SEPTEMBER-2007
Author: Pauline
Subject: Reply to John Roper

Much as it nice to be thanked for organising the 70th anniversary party, I have to point out that it was actually William Torbitt School who arranged the whole event. Our thanks go to Julie Kay in particular for her efforts and to everyone else who put in such a lot of hard work.

Entry Number: 994
Date: 10-SEPTEMBER-2007
Author: John Roper
Subject: 70th Anniversary

Just a note of thanks to Pauline and Geoff for all your work in initiating and organising the 70th Anniversary celebrations last Sunday, which was appreciated by so many of us. There were many happy reunions taking place, but still a need for a greater effort from those who ARE on the internet to spread the word and encourage contact with others who are not, so they don't continue to miss out. Great to spend time with Malcolm Bidgood and test his phenominal memory for names back to the 1950s.

Entry Number: 987
Date: 10-SEPTEMBER-2007
Author: Pauline (Webmaster)
Subject: 70th Anniversary

A great day was enjoyed by all and our thanks go to everyone at the school who put in so much hard work to make the day a success. Pictures and reports will appear on this website as soon as time allows.

If you have any pictures of the day then please email them to me HERE and I will include as many as I can. (please include WILLIAM TORBITT in the subject of your mail to avoid being lost in a spam trap!)

Messages about the day should be posted here in the Post Bag.

Entry Number: 357
Date: 17-JULY-2007
Author: Pauline (Kendall) Webmaster
Subject: Email addresses

Message for Bernard Box: you don't need to disguise your email address on THIS site - we are NOT Friends Reunited! The only time I take out email addresses is if the author is obviously a youngster.


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