Post Bag |
Entry Number: 129
Date: 9-OCTOBER-2003
Author: Shirley Holdstock
Subject: Old Friends
Enjoyed meeting some old school friends at St Peter's flower festival hope that more school chums will turn up next year. It was great seeing Mr Bidgood again after 45 years! Thanks to Geoff for keeping me informed. |
Entry Number: 126
Date: 2-SEPTEMBER-2003
Author: Pat Turner
Subject: Jean Sheill
I was at school with Jean and last saw her at her wedding. Would love to contact her again if anyone knows where she is. |
Entry Number: 125
Date: 28-AUGUST-2003
Author: steven kilford
Subject: frozen jubblies
Jubblies were basically orange juice in a waxed cardboard container about 4inches on a side (a tetrahedron).
There were two ways to eat/drink them.
Frozen - cut/tear the corner off and suck the ice like a giant ice lolly - used to take ages, and you ended up with a sticky lump of ice with all the orange juice sucked out of it,
or unfrozen - cut the corner off and try to drink it without getting it all over your face......
from the dictionary of Playground slang
jubbly, jubblie, jubilee n. confection (usually purchased from Ice Cream van) consisting of frozen TipTop fruit drink in plastic container. f. Jubbly (trade name of orange drink in triangular wax cartons) |
Entry Number: 124
Date: 29-JULY-2003
Author: Gerald Risby
Subject: Broken Crisps
In his last message Clive Brightwell metions "Frozen Jubilles", sorry can't,remember them but do remember with fond memories "Fro Fruit". they were delicious. Forget broken crisps what about broken biscuits?. |
Entry Number: 123
Date: 6-JULY-2003
Author: Clive Brightwell
Subject: Those Broken Crisps
I've noticed that a number of people have referred to those wonderful broken crisps. I roared at somebody's suggestion they were the crack cocaine of the '50's . But nobody has remembered Frozen Jubblies. Can't remember how much they were but in those hot summers (were they always hot ?) they were exquisite. |
Entry Number: 122
Date: 24-JUNE-2003
Author: Adrian Monti (via Pauline)
Subject: Driving test
Had another message in from Adrian Monti (he who featured two of our pupils in Woman Magazine):
What was it like when you learnt to drive?
What do you remember about learning to drive and your driving test? If you have a tale to tell, amusing, a series of failures, the odd disaster or somehow you got through it, you may be able to help with a feature for WOMAN magazine. We are looking to chat to women drivers who have passed and have a tale to tell or passed in the 1940/50/60/70/80/90’s. For the older ones, maybe parents, grandmothers or other older relatives you might want to ask to help out. We also need you to have a photo of the car you first had after you leant (or even the one you learnt in!) to illustrate the article for which you even get PAID a small sum for helping out. So if you can help, or have any older relatives who passed and have an old family snap in an album somewhere, please get in touch. Feel free to circulate this posting!
Please contact me, Adrian Monti on 01273 777693 or at
Thanks again
Adrian - Feature writer |
Entry Number: 121
Date: 18-JUNE-2003
Author: Klien Tagon
Subject: hello
hello eveyone i |
Entry Number: 120
Date: 7-JUNE-2003
Author: Vikram Mehra
Subject: Pls help
I was in William Torbitt from 1980-83 and in 1983 my father got transferred to India and we came back . If anyone has any info about Mrs Palmar's 1983 class , Mrs June Richards or any one in the class , please let me know . |
Entry Number: 119
Date: 30-MAY-2003
Author: Sandy Blackmun
Subject: new address
As Geoff Gillon probably knows we have finally moved.
We are now living in Swaffham in Norfolk, and the difference is unbelievable-it is so peaceful. |
Entry Number: 118
Date: 24-MAY-2003
Author: Andrew Williams
Subject: Reunion
I was at WTS from 1974 until 1979 whenI left at the end of the 3rd year. I am in touch with Lee Dunbar and Pete and Mick Machin. We are planning an informal reunion on 5th June in the City. If anybody who remembers us wishes to join us, they'd be most welcome. Please call me on 07811 408097. Andrew Williams |