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247 entries, showing 131 to 140





Entry Number: 160
Date: 7-MARCH-2005
Author: Barry Sanders
Subject: Class of '76

Would love to hear from everyone who knew me back then.... email Does anyone know what happened to Miss March, Miss French or Alan Wright?

Entry Number: 159
Date: 1-MARCH-2005
Author: Pauline
Subject: Gobbledegook

I know that some of us 'oldies' have problems with messages like the one from Avnish Gohil, but isn't it a good thing that younger people are bothering to use the website? So thnx Avnish 4 the msg. Lol (hope I've got that right!) ;-)

Entry Number: 158
Date: 18-FEBRUARY-2005

Message for Avnish Gohil. Please don't think I'm being 'picky' or too 'old fashioned' but were we not taught the English language by some first class teachers at W.T. ? Do we not owe it to them to communicate using words instead of an assorted jumble of disjointed abbreviations that really mean nothing ? We would love to hear the recollections of pupils from more recent years than us '50 somethings' but can we have it in some recognisable tongue please ! Regards. Roy

Entry Number: 157
Date: 3-FEBRUARY-2005
Author: Torbitt's Teachers
Subject: Did you see this?

Has anyone graded our old Torbitt teachers on

Entry Number: 156
Date: 26-JANUARY-2005
Author: Gerald (Gerry) Risby
Subject: Lawrence Kingsnorth

Lawrence, are you the brother of Tony Kingsnorth who lived on the Oaks Lane Estate. Can you let me know if you are how he is. I was his best man and he was mine. My e-mail address is gerry-val@risby34a.fsnet .co .uk

Entry Number: 155
Date: 20-OCTOBER-2004
Author: R Judd
Subject: Remember the Oldskool

86+ anyone there then, u know what to do (

Entry Number: 154
Date: 9-OCTOBER-2004
Author: Diandra
Subject: Just left torbitt

torbitts a great school. never wanted to leave it.

Entry Number: 153
Date: 21-SEPTEMBER-2004
Author: Paul Keily
Subject: Message 138

I was also at WT til '97 wont be going uni til next year but great to see someone from back then on here.

Entry Number: 152
Date: 27-JUNE-2004

time flown by jus memberin da gd times at torbit n lovin den coz back den we were free and kno n 7kings high skool all we gt is wrk ahead of us L8R

Entry Number: 151
Date: 16-JUNE-2004
Author: Gillian Hodgson
Subject: Spanish Wood

Rob Thanks for the information. I live in Adelaide so will have a look in our wonderful Central Market. Must get some to saisfy my curiosity. I had forgotten about Palm toffee too; now I remember the slabs and the sticky paper that you couldn't get off! Best wishes, Jill









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