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Entry Number: 15
Date: 24-OCTOBER-2001
Author: Joanna Burke
We are considering having a re-union for the years 1978-85 as we both attended nursery through to juniors. Although we have found the website (www.friendsreunited.com) helpful. We still seem to be having trouble locating many old friends Kind regards Joanna Burke & Karen Manley - [**This project has now been cancelled**]
Entry Number: 16
Date: 23-OCTOBER-2001
Author: Pat Brown
I was at the school up to 1958 when my name was Pat Brown. My brother, David Brown was in the year below and I see a couple of names he would recognise. I am living in Buckinghamshire and am now Pat Fish. I would particularly like to get in touch with Bob Wilcox who was in the year above me - has he been in contact?
Entry Number: 17
Date: 7-AUGUST-2001
Author: Simon Lewis
Craig Donaldson and I are organising a small reunion for pupils in Miss O'Keefe's class from 1977/1978. If anyone is interested please email me. Thanks - Simon Lewis (PLUS! see Simon's pictures on the School Pictures page.......) [ Hopefully a report to follow on this one?]
Entry Number: 18
Date: 5-JULY-2001
Author: Pauline Kendall
Terry Harris, the IT Technician at William Torbitt has been in touch regarding using material from the website in a newsletter that the children are compiling as part of their IT education. I have given permission and hope no-one out there objects. You can see their IT room at http://www.redbridgeschools.net/case_studies/william_torbitt.htm. Valerie (Fry as was) has found a useful site for tracing old school friends - www.friendsreunited.co.uk which some of you might enjoy. Thanks Val
Entry Number: 47
Date: 7-OCTOBER-2000
Author: Robin Stafford
Regards to John Cotter and Roger Suckling who I remember as particularly close friends of mine, along with Ian Eagland, Terry Nunn and Terry Dunbar. I also seem to recall a boy named Robert 'Snow' Tompkins, but have never seen his name in the lists anywhere. There again, neither is mine !! But does anybody else recall him?
Entry Number: 19
Date: 7-OCTOBER-2000
Author: Lesley Dilley
Just wants to send best wishes to everyone
Entry Number: 21
Date: 17-APRIL-2000
Author: Brenda Graisgour
I am really pleased to be on line at last, and would love to hear from any former class/school mates. Some of you may remember I lived in the off-licence opposite the school - what a claim to fame! I did get to the reunion and it was great to meet up with old friends, although sadly, not many people from my old class were there. It was a lovely afternoon, with a very happy atmosphere. Since then, I have been in regular contact with Geoff Gillon (whom I first contacted through his ad in the Ilford Recorder) and would like to thank both him and Pauline for all the hard work that they have done and still do. It is so interesting seeing more pieces of the W.T. history unfold. Looking forward to hearing from some of you, please
Entry Number: 20
Date: 17-APRIL-2000
Author: Geoff Gillon
My thanks to Margaret Willes for putting me in touch with Miss Peacock and Miss Billington and to the latter for providing the programme for the school's opening ceremony in 1937 and a photo of the tree planting ceremony in 1952. Margaret Willes (see 3A 1956) keeps in touch with Miss Peacock, former head of the infants school.
Entry Number: 22
Date: 16-JULY-1999
Author: Rita Tucker
Rita would love to hear from any of her childhood friends who would care to write - see Contact Page for details
Entry Number: 23
Date: 10-APRIL-1999
Author: Janice Archer
I am at last on-line, just in time for the millennium! and have for the first time seen the Torbitt reunion site with much amazement and pleasure. I would love to have been there and hope I can make any future ones organised. I wish all my former primary school classmates much happiness. How did we all get to be such an age so fast? Thanks Geoff and Pauline for making this possible.