School Photo List
Look through the photo listing using the links below. They are sorted into decades and shown 30 to a page. The Staff Room is shown after the end of the final decade listing or click HERE
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1960's Mr Treadway's Class - 1968 -
(Pic Ref:68010)

1969 - Top Infants -
(Pic Ref:69001)

1969 Mrs Jenkins Class April -
(Pic Ref:69002)

1969 - 1B - Mrs Moore -
(Pic Ref:69003)

Mr Webber 1969 -
(Pic Ref:69004)

1969/70 - 2C - Mrs Cowper -
(Pic Ref:69005)

1969? -
(Pic Ref:69006)

1969 -
(Pic Ref:69007)

1969 4A Mrs Ebbett's Class -
(Pic Ref:69008)

1969 - Mrs Melnick -
(Pic Ref:69009)

1970's Miss Moore's Class June 1970 -
(Pic Ref:70001)

Year 3 - July 1970 - Mrs. Ebbett -
(Pic Ref:70002)

1970 - Class 2B - Mr Youles -
(Pic Ref:70003)

1970? Juniors -
(Pic Ref:70004)

1970 - Mr Wrench's Class -
(Pic Ref:70005)

Mrs Jones class 1970s -
(Pic Ref:70006)

Mr Litchfield's class 1970s -
(Pic Ref:70007)

1971? Juniors -
(Pic Ref:71001)

Miss Poynton's Class 1972 -
(Pic Ref:72001)

Mrs Barlow 1972 -
(Pic Ref:72002)

Mrs Stall's class 1973/74 -
(Pic Ref:73001)

1976 - Middle Infants -
(Pic Ref:75001)

1976 - Mr Eagland -
(Pic Ref:76001)

Miss O'Keefe's class 1977/78 -
(Pic Ref:77001)

May 1977 -1st year Infants -
(Pic Ref:77002)

Nursery - 1977 -
(Pic Ref:77003)

Middle Infants 1978 -
(Pic Ref:78001)

1978 - 1st year Infants -
(Pic Ref:78003)

Mrs Palmer's Class - Top Infants 1979 -
(Pic Ref:79001)

1979 - Middle Infants -
(Pic Ref:79002)

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Look through the photo listing using the links above.They are sorted into decades and shown 30 to a page. The Staff Room is shown after the end of the final decade listing or use the link in the main menu under PHOTOS

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