Information on this Web Site is © 2000-2021 Any copying or reproduction of William Torbitt pictures is strictly for your own personal use Any names displayed are only as accurate as information sent in. No guarantee is given of the veracity of any facts shown
PAULINEMADETHIS Most of the bags in the shop are individual, one-off creations and many of them are made using upcycled fabrics in order to keep a happy environment. A percentage of all sales will be donated to charity. So please click HERE to take a look at my shop where purchases can be made via the secure PayPal system. Alternatively, give me a ring on 01934 833648 to visit me and view the selection.
This website was originally conceived simply to record the reunion held at the school on 20th June 1998 for former pupils of its 60 year's history. The website focused on a particular group of pupils since we were the ones who started it. However, since that time, it has expanded and we now have pupils registered from eight decades! The interest generated has been greater than we ever imagined. Many contributors have thought that Pauline and Geoff worked side by side (literally) on this project. In fact Geoff was in Essex and Pauline is in Somerset! Although we acted as a team, Geoff was the one who contacted former pupils/staff, putting them in touch with each other, collating information etc. and Pauline dealt with the website. Thanks go to those who have sent in donations towards the hosting of this site. It is not, as so many think, funded by either by the school or the Local Education Authority - how nice if it were! The site has been funded solely by the voluntary efforts of Pauline and Geoff, together with those who have sent in donations - see our Sponsors Page. It actually does cost money to keep the site running - there is an annual web hosting fee plus all the time spent in keeping it updated - so ANY CONTRIBUTIONS, HOWEVER SMALL, TOWARDS THE WEB HOSTING COSTS WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED!! Even if it's just a pound coin in an envelope it would help! Scroll down to find contact details Thank you Registrations are not currently being accepted. If you send email, please ensure that "WILLIAM TORBITT" is in the subject line so that your mail does not get caught in a spam trap. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED SPAM EMAIL WITH WILLIAM TORBITT AS A RETURN ADDRESS BE ASSURED IT IS NOT FROM OUR IP ADDRESS.

Welcome to the William Torbitt School

Reunion Pages. THE place for former

pupils and staff of William Torbitt School.

The ultimate nostalgia! YOUR primary


The William Torbitt School website for former pupils and staff
For items for the website contact: Pauline Leveret 8 Franklins Way Claverham Nr Yatton Somerset BS49 4ND E-Mail: Click here to email Pauline ANY CONTRIBUTIONS, TOWARDS THE COST OF WEB HOSTING, HOWEVER SMALL, ARE MUCH APPRECIATED!! Even if it is just a pound coin in an envelope it helps! Send to: Pauline Leverett, 8 Franklins Way, Claverham, Somerset BS49 4ND (cheques made payable to Pauline Leverett) OR you can use PayPal by going to: and follow the instructions (the business details show my handmade bags shop but it really is me!). Thank you
PLEASE READ THIS!! Hi all I have been administering and hosting this website for the past 25 years(!) and it's been a pleasure. However, the time has come for a younger person to take on the job. I'm looking for a volunteer who is a web designer with their own server access. I say 'volunteer' since there is no payment for the work (which takes up very little time) and the site is currently hosted on a server which is paid for by my commercial hosting customers so there is no funding for hosting. The site is currently built around an MS Access database which keeps tabs on the contact details of those registered and the identifications in photos and the photo information. The database queries were built when I was a novice so may appear clumsy but they work. There's nothing to say that this system is carved in stone so any system which will do the same job would be fine. So, if you think you would be interested and have the necessary skills then please get in touch. It's not that I don't want to do it any more - just that I feel a younger person could take the website into the future. I'll be around to help if needed. regards Pauline
Google Earth has mounted a number of areas of imagery from 1946 and 1947. Greater London is included and so is Newbury Park. The school is quite clear and there are some interesting features, like AA emplacements in parks and some gaps where bomb sites persisted. The clarity is not up to the recent standards, of course, but the historical record is good to have so easily.
This site last updated March 2025 IF THINGS DON’T LOOK QUITE RIGHT THEN CLEAR YOUR BROWSER CACHE TO SEE THE LATEST VERSION [ see HELP page if you don’t know what this means!] Although the website has been re-designed for mobile devices, the site is best viewed on a laptop or desktop PC as some of the photos are wider than a tablet or phone screen. THE MESSAGE BOARD AND POST BAG HAVE NOW BEEN DELETED DUE TO POSSIBLE LIABILITY UNDER THE ONLINE SAFETY ACT. For more information, click HERE
It is with great sadness that I have to inform you of the passing of Geoff Gillon in the early part of June 2021. His death was unexpected although he had been suffering ill- health for a number of years. We lived on opposite sides of the country but it was a collaboration that worked and it was his enthusiasm and zeal that made him the main driver of this website and I would probably have given up a long time ago without his encouragement. With this in mind, although I will keep the website live in his memory, I will not be accepting any new registrations, photographs or additions. [If you are already on the contact list and wish to amend your details then I will, of course, do that at least for the foreseeable future.] RIP Geoff
Information on this Web Site is © 2000-2018. Any copying or reproduction of William Torbitt pictures is strictly for your own personal use Any names displayed are only as accurate as information sent in. No guarantee is given of the veracity of any facts shown
PAULINEMADETHIS Most of the bags in the shop are individual, one-off creations and many of them are made using upcycled fabrics in order to keep a happy environment. A percentage of all sales will be donated to charity. So please click HERE to take a look at my shop where purchases can be made via the secure PayPal system. Alternatively, give me a ring on 01934 833648 to visit me and view the selection.
This website was originally conceived simply to record the reunion held at the school on 20th June 1998 for former pupils of its 60 year's history. The website focused on a particular group of pupils since we were the ones who started it. However, since that time, it has expanded and we now have pupils registered from eight decades! The interest generated has been greater than we ever imagined. Many contributors have thought that Pauline and Geoff worked side by side (literally) on this project. In fact Geoff was in Essex and Pauline is in Somerset! Although we acted as a team, Geoff was the one who contacted former pupils/staff, putting them in touch with each other, collating information etc. and Pauline dealt with the website. Thanks go to those who have sent in donations towards the hosting of this site. It is not, as so many think, funded by either by the school or the Local Education Authority - how nice if it were! The site has been funded solely by the voluntary efforts of Pauline and Geoff, together with those who have sent in donations - see our Sponsors Page. It actually does cost money to keep the site running - there is an annual web hosting fee plus all the time spent in keeping it updated - so ANY CONTRIBUTIONS, HOWEVER SMALL, TOWARDS THE WEB HOSTING COSTS WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED!! Even if it's just a pound coin in an envelope it would help! Scroll down to find contact details Thank you Registrations are not currently being accepted. If you send email, please ensure that "WILLIAM TORBITT" is in the subject line so that your mail does not get caught in a spam trap. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED SPAM EMAIL WITH WILLIAM TORBITT AS A RETURN ADDRESS BE ASSURED IT IS NOT FROM OUR IP ADDRESS.
The William Torbitt School website for former pupils and staff
For items for the website contact: Pauline Leveret 8 Franklins Way Claverham Nr Yatton Somerset BS49 4ND E-Mail: Click here to email Pauline ANY CONTRIBUTIONS, TOWARDS THE COST OF WEB HOSTING, HOWEVER SMALL, ARE MUCH APPRECIATED!! Even if it is just a pound coin in an envelope it helps! Send to: Pauline Leverett, 8 Franklins Way, Claverham, Somerset BS49 4ND (cheques made payable to Pauline Leverett) OR you can use PayPal by going to: and follow the instructions (the business details show my handmade bags shop but it really is me!). Thank you
Google Earth has mounted a number of areas of imagery from 1946 and 1947. Greater London is included and so is Newbury Park. The school is quite clear and there are some interesting features, like AA emplacements in parks and some gaps where bomb sites persisted. The clarity is not up to the recent standards, of course, but the historical record is good to have so easily.
PLEASE READ THIS!! Hi all I have been administering and hosting this website for the past 25 years(!) and it's been a pleasure. However, the time has come for a younger person to take on the job. I'm looking for a volunteer who is a web designer with their own server access. I say 'volunteer' since there is no payment for the work (which takes up very little time) and the site is currently hosted on a server which is paid for by my commercial hosting customers so there is no funding for hosting. The site is currently built around an MS Access database which keeps tabs on the contact details of those registered and the identifications in photos and the photo information. The database queries were built when I was a novice so may appear clumsy but they work. There's nothing to say that this system is carved in stone so any system which will do the same job would be fine. So, if you think you would be interested and have the necessary skills then please get in touch. It's not that I don't want to do it any more - just that I feel a younger person could take the website into the future. I'll be around to help if needed. regards Pauline
This site last updated March 2025 IF THINGS DON’T LOOK QUITE RIGHT THEN CLEAR YOUR BROWSER CACHE TO SEE THE LATEST VERSION [ see HELP page if you don’t know what this means!] Although the website has been re-designed for mobile devices, the site is best viewed on a laptop or desktop PC as some of the photos are wider than a tablet or phone screen. THE MESSAGE BOARD AND POST BAG HAVE NOW BEEN DELETED DUE TO POSSIBLE LIABILITY UNDER THE ONLINE SAFETY ACT. For more information, click HERE

Welcome to the William Torbitt School

Reunion Pages. THE place for former pupils

and staff of William Torbitt School.

The ultimate nostalgia! YOUR primary school.

It is with great sadness that I have to inform you of the passing of Geoff Gillon in the early part of June 2021. His death was unexpected although he had been suffering ill- health for a number of years. We lived on opposite sides of the country but it was a collaboration that worked and it was his enthusiasm and zeal that made him the main driver of this website and I would probably have given up a long time ago without his encouragement. With this in mind, although I will keep the website live in his memory, I will not be accepting any new registrations, photographs or additions. [If you are already on the contact list and wish to amend your details then I will, of course, do that at least for the foreseeable future.] RIP Geoff
PAULINEMADETHIS Most of the bags in the shop are individual, one-off creations and many of them are made using upcycled fabrics in order to keep a happy environment. A percentage of all sales will be donated to charity. So please click HERE to take a look at my shop where purchases can be made via the secure PayPal system. Alternatively, give me a ring on 01934 833648 to visit me and view the selection.
The William Torbitt School website for former pupils and staff

Welcome to the William

Torbitt School Reunion

Pages. THE place for

former pupils and staff of

William Torbitt School.

The ultimate nostalgia!

YOUR primary school.

For items for the website contact: Pauline Leveret 8 Franklins Way Claverham Nr Yatton Somerset BS49 4ND E-Mail: Click here to email Pauline ANY CONTRIBUTIONS, TOWARDS THE COST OF WEB HOSTING, HOWEVER SMALL, ARE MUCH APPRECIATED!! Even if it is just a pound coin in an envelope it helps! Send to: Pauline Leverett, 8 Franklins Way, Claverham, Somerset BS49 4ND (cheques made payable to Pauline Leverett) OR you can use PayPal by going to: and follow the instructions (the business details show my handmade bags shop but it really is me!). Thank you
Information on this Web Site is © 2000-2019. Any copying or reproduction of William Torbitt pictures is strictly for your own personal use Any names displayed are only as accurate as information sent in. No guarantee is given of the veracity of any facts shown
This website was originally conceived simply to record the reunion held at the school on 20th June 1998 for former pupils of its 60 year's history. The website focused on a particular group of pupils since we were the ones who started it. However, since that time, it has expanded and we now have pupils registered from eight decades! The interest generated has been greater than we ever imagined. Many contributors have thought that Pauline and Geoff worked side by side (literally) on this project. In fact Geoff was in Essex and Pauline is in Somerset! Although we acted as a team, Geoff was the one who contacted former pupils/staff, putting them in touch with each other, collating information etc. and Pauline dealt with the website. Thanks go to those who have sent in donations towards the hosting of this site. It is not, as so many think, funded by either by the school or the Local Education Authority - how nice if it were! The site has been funded solely by the voluntary efforts of Pauline and Geoff, together with those who have sent in donations - see our Sponsors Page. It actually does cost money to keep the site running - there is an annual web hosting fee plus all the time spent in keeping it updated - so ANY CONTRIBUTIONS, HOWEVER SMALL, TOWARDS THE WEB HOSTING COSTS WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED!! Even if it's just a pound coin in an envelope it would help! Scroll down to find contact details Thank you Registrations are not currently being accepted. If you send email, please ensure that "WILLIAM TORBITT" is in the subject line so that your mail does not get caught in a spam trap. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED SPAM EMAIL WITH WILLIAM TORBITT AS A RETURN ADDRESS BE ASSURED IT IS NOT FROM OUR IP ADDRESS.
PLEASE READ THIS!! Hi all I have been administering and hosting this website for the past 25 years(!) and it's been a pleasure. However, the time has come for a younger person to take on the job. I'm looking for a volunteer who is a web designer with their own server access. I say 'volunteer' since there is no payment for the work (which takes up very little time) and the site is currently hosted on a server which is paid for by my commercial hosting customers so there is no funding for hosting. The site is currently built around an MS Access database which keeps tabs on the contact details of those registered and the identifications in photos and the photo information. The database queries were built when I was a novice so may appear clumsy but they work. There's nothing to say that this system is carved in stone so any system which will do the same job would be fine. So, if you think you would be interested and have the necessary skills then please get in touch. It's not that I don't want to do it any more - just that I feel a younger person could take the website into the future. I'll be around to help if needed. regards Pauline
Google Earth has mounted a number of areas of imagery from 1946 and 1947. Greater London is included and so is Newbury Park. The school is quite clear and there are some interesting features, like AA emplacements in parks and some gaps where bomb sites persisted. The clarity is not up to the recent standards, of course, but the historical record is good to have so easily.
This site last updated March 2025 IF THINGS DON’T LOOK QUITE RIGHT THEN CLEAR YOUR BROWSER CACHE TO SEE THE LATEST VERSION [ see HELP page if you don’t know what this means!] Although the website has been re-designed for mobile devices, the site is best viewed on a laptop or desktop PC as some of the photos are wider than a tablet or phone screen. THE MESSAGE BOARD AND POST BAG HAVE NOW BEEN DELETED DUE TO POSSIBLE LIABILITY UNDER THE ONLINE SAFETY ACT. For more information, click HERE
It is with great sadness that I have to inform you of the passing of Geoff Gillon in the early part of June 2021. His death was unexpected although he had been suffering ill-health for a number of years. We lived on opposite sides of the country but it was a collaboration that worked and it was his enthusiasm and zeal that made him the main driver of this website and I would probably have given up a long time ago without his encouragement. With this in mind, although I will keep the website live in his memory, I will not be accepting any new registrations, photographs or additions. [If you are already on the contact list and wish to amend your details then I will, of course, do that at least for the foreseeable future.] RIP Geoff